7 Social Media Tips to Supercharge Business Growth

As a digital marketer, you already understand how important it is to use all the social media platforms you can to reach your target audience. Of course, each platform has its own unique features and quirks that you need to be aware of in order to create successful marketing campaigns.

In this article, we’ll discuss several social media tips that you need to know in order to market yourself or your brand successfully. We’ll also cover video production tips, including finding copyright-free and royalty-free music for your Instagram or YouTube videos. Let’s begin!

Share Valuable Content From Other Industry Leaders and Influencers

One social media tip that you need to know is that it’s not all about self-promotion. Yes, you want to share your own content, but you also want to share valuable content from other industry leaders and influencers.

By doing this, you’ll not only position yourself as a thought leader in your own industry, but you’ll also build relationships with other leaders and influencers. And when you share their content, they’ll likely return the favor, which can help to increase your reach and exposure.

Use Multiple Platforms To Best Reach Your Target Audience

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These days, there are so many social media platforms to choose from, and it can be tempting to try and be active on all of them. However, that’s usually not realistic or sustainable, especially if you’re running a business or managing a team. So, one social media tip is to focus your efforts on the platforms where your target audience is most active.

For example, if you’re targeting millennials, you’ll want to be active on TikTok and Instagram. Facebook and YouTube are probably your best bet if you’re targeting baby boomers. Most marketers will agree that, at a bare minimum, you should monitor social media campaigns on TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Create Mutually Beneficial Relationships

Another social media tip is to create relationships with other creators, especially those who have a similar audience to yours. These types of relationships can prove to be beneficial for both parties involved because you can help each other to reach a larger audience.

For example, you can collaborate on videos, guest post on each other’s blogs, or share each other’s social media posts. Not only will this help boost your reach, but it will also help to build your authority and your credibility in the industry.

Focus on Engaging Your Audience

man wearing black corded headphones while holding phone

When it comes to social media, engagement is key. You want to be sure that you’re regularly interacting with your audience and providing them with valuable content. This content can be in the form of blog posts, videos, infographics, or even just helpful tips and advice. The more engaged your viewers are, the more likely they will stick around and become loyal fans and customers.

You’ll want to be sure to respond to feedback and questions that you receive. Make sure you’re responding quickly and publicly to user questions in the comments section of your posts. These prompt responses let your audience know you’re listening and care about their experience. It also shows them a bit of your personal side – that you’re a real human, not just a faceless brand.

Use User-Generated Content

User-generated content, or UGC, is a great way to engage your audience and get them involved in your brand. UGC can often be in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts, or even videos.

This content is uniquely valuable because it comes from real people who have used your products or services. And, when other potential customers see this content, they’re more likely to trust your brand and be interested in the products, services, or ideas you offer.

There are a few ways that you can encourage UGC. One way is to run contests or giveaways and offer prizes for the best user-generated content. Another way is to simply ask your audience to share their experiences with your brand. You can also feature UGC on your website or social media channels.

Make sure you’re monitoring your social media channels for any negative UGC so that you can address it quickly. This is important because you don’t want any negative reviews or experiences to tarnish your brand’s reputation.

A Little More on TikTok

The Tik Tok app

One social media platform that you may not be present on but should consider is TikTok. This short-form video app has taken the world by storm and presents a unique opportunity for marketers to reach a massive audience with creative content.

As evidenced by the recent changes to Instagram, it’s clear that tech companies are slowly shifting their platforms to favor short-form video content. In fact, according to HubSpot, digital marketers will invest more in short-form videso in 2022 than in any other content format. And that’s something to take note of.

Video Production

Finally, let’s discuss some video production tips. If you’re creating videos for social media, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, keep your videos short–around 30 to 60 seconds. This seems to be the sweet spot for most short-form content. Second, make sure you’re using royalty-free music or copyright-free music.

This will ensure that you won’t get into any legal trouble down the road. Third, consider investing in some video editing software. This will help you to create high-quality videos that look professional. However, for most forms of content, you should be able to edit with free software on your smartphone or any other device.

If you’re looking for non-copyrighted music or royalty-free music, you’d be advised to use a well-known, reputable site like Soundstripe or Epidemic Sound. These sites offer tens of thousands of tracks that you can use as royalty-free background music for a small monthly fee.

The Bottom Line

As a digital marketer, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. And that certainly includes knowing what’s going on in the world of social media.

You’ll find better ways to market yourself and your brand by following these tips. Just be sure to create fun, exciting, engaging content to publish across multiple platforms, and remember to respond to feedback. Your audience is waiting!

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