Top Services Every Blogger Should Have

Finding the greatest blogging tools and services can help your blog become even better, whether you are a beginner or an experienced blogger. It’s fantastic to learn from other bloggers about the strategies they employ to make sure their blogs evolve and change over time. After all, making money is an integral part of the business for a majority of bloggers.

But if you want to succeed in an already over-saturated market, you’ll need to ensure three things; regular website visitors, a user-friendly website, and great content that drives engagement. The requirement to achieve all three of those factors can be met a lot simpler if you choose the best services and tools for your niche.

So, if you’re ready to commit to blogging and turning it into a profitable career, grab a pen and keep reading.

1. Gyre

There’s no doubt about it; streamers reign supreme. With the rise of Twitch and YouTube live streams, people are flocking to long-form content and a chance to watch as much content from their favorite creators as they can. But you can’t really stream 24/7, or can you?

With the Gyre live stream, you can have a video or videos playing on a loop until you decide to stop them. This means never-ending engagement and a constant algorithm boost as you’re always attracting viewers and monetizing old videos. What’s not to like? Just upload a video to your personal Gyre server, create a playlist and watch the watch time go up.

If you’re still skeptical about this service, it’s worth mentioning that it’s completely within YouTube’s guidelines and that Gyre helped generate over 3.5 billion views in 2021 alone. That’s an impressive number. All it takes is a few minutes, and you can stream 24/7. This isn’t a service you’ll want to miss out on.

2. Pingdom

Pingdom homepage

Can visitors see your website? How can you be 100% sure that it’s up and running all of the time and didn’t randomly crash last Thursday while you were asleep? We’re not going to lie, there are many flaky hosting providers out there, and unless you’re super vigilant and monitor the site from dusk till dawn, there’s no way you’d even notice minor outages that can happen at all times.

The only way you can truly know if things like these happen is through using a top-notch site uptime monitor like Pingdom. With it, you can access uptime records and reports on errors and response times, and it can send you alerts through email, text messages, or Twitter if something happens. Even though Pingdom is considered quite pricey, it is a vital tool for anyone looking to make money blogging.

3. WP-Optimize

WP Optimize homepage

WP-Optimize is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that provides all the tools necessary to speed up and optimize your website. Having said that, it does come in free and premium versions, and most bloggers start out with the free and upgrade once they realize how good this tool actually is. It’s the best-reviewed and well-loved optimization and caching plugin out there.

In addition to speeding up your website, it also offers excellent image and database optimizations. So, for this, you won’t need to rely on any additional tools.

4. CoSchedule

CoSchedule homepage

CoSchedule is a complete calendar for planning out your social media and blog posts. It does have a free trial, but it costs $29/month to use its robust ReQueue tool, which automatically reposts what you’ve posted already. It also offers quite a few handy co-working tools if you’re not working alone, which makes it a great choice for a team of bloggers.

CoSchedule is definitely worth considering if you’re looking to turn this into a career, as it frees up a lot of time and ensures you’re always being consistent. And consistency is key when doing anything online.

5. AWeber

AWeber homepage

Every website owner should be working hard to build an email list. Without it, chances are you won’t go very far. And let’s not lie to ourselves; you don’t only need a list. You need your emails to arrive and be read, not just a list of cold leads. To get these marketing emails or newsletters from your wonderful creative mind into Jane Dow’s inbox, you’ll need some help.

AWeber is a straightforward and reasonably priced marketing tool and we can safely say it’s possibly the only email marketing service worth getting. When it comes to subscription plans, AWeber comes in two different options – free and paid. The free plan is ideal for businesses with up to 500 email subscribers enabling you to create 1 landing page, 1 email automation, push notifications, drag and drop builder, various email templates and forms, and more.

On the other hand, the paid plan depends on the total subscribers’ number! For $19.99 you can cover up to 500 subscribers with every feature that comes in a free plan plus unlimited email lists, advanced email automation, detailed analytics, sales tracking, and more additional features to manage your email lists!

The pricing ranges from the aforementioned $19.99 to $149.99 with the highest number of subscribers.

AWeber makes it a great choice for those just starting out so they can hit the ground running. They have made amazing progress recently, and it is a much more accessible tool for anyone!

Final Thoughts

The amount of help you can get from services and tools when blogging is amazing. As we said, blogging tools are a requirement if you want to make it big. No matter how accomplished or inexperienced a blogger is, they can all benefit from the tools outlined in this post.

But if we were to recommend one especially, it would definitely be Gyre, so don’t miss out. Please feel free to comment below with your ideas. Do not be afraid to ask questions if you have any.

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