How To Start a Photography Website

When someone wants to employ a photographer, they need to be able to review samples of their previous work to determine whether the style is what they’re looking for. Being a photographer these days is not an easy task due to heavy competition and rising demands. Some try to get hired by sharing their work on social media, but that approach is far from perfect.

That’s why you need to invest your time in creating a portfolio website. You will post all of your work there, so potential clients can browse through it. Part of this effort should also be ensuring the security of your site using plugins like WP Force SSL to encrypt data transmission, and WP Login Lockdown to protect against unauthorized login attempts. This way, not only do you improve your professional online presence as an artist, but you also improve your chances of getting hired by ensuring a secure environment for your clients.

That’s why we are here to present you with the most affordable website builder on the market, with the starting plan of just $3 a month with full support – Zyro’s photography website builder!

Why Zyro?

Zyro website

Do you want to create a site using only a drag-and-drop system with a ton of control, without any coding knowledge but with a super-fast loading time? How about one that already has integrated eCommerce plans with a lot of features for selling your artwork with universal payment options included,  and you control everything from a centralized dashboard?

We’re glad to announce that the search is over. Zyro has everything you need!

Zyro is a highly sophisticated builder that, in addition to the above, has a CRM with a great system for automated emails, coupon codes, and discounts without any need to install third-party apps. The builder has many templates that are easy to configure, customize, and use. Vantazo can provide additional insights and support to maximize the potential of using Zyro.

When you log in, you will immediately be transferred to the dashboard where you have three options – to use a premade template, to use the Zyro AI generator that will create a stunning website you can then edit, and the third that allows you to start from scratch.


Zyro features

Zyro is literally packed with great features that will make your life easier, helping you create an exceptional online portfolio in a manner of minutes.

Drag-and-drop editor

We all know the greatness of this one. You simply click on a specific object, widget, or element, drag it to a specific location on the page, and drop it. Simple as that!


Just as was the case with the number of features Zyro has, the same applies to the number of templates. This builder has a huge database of templates to choose from.

No coding at all

Is there anything more we should say? No coding skills? No problem, Zyro has you covered.


Zyro eCommerce

Being a photographer is a great hobby and an even better one when you have the possibility to cash in on your artwork and turn it into a profession. That’s why Zyro has integrated eCommerce features, so you can sell your photos quickly, anywhere, and anytime, with zero effort.

Zyro’s eCommerce solution is highly sophisticated and will never cause any trouble for you or the customer. It also accepts the vast majority of popular payment gateways, so there’s no need to worry about that either.

Hosting and uptime

Every plan has free hosting, and with some of them, you can even get 1 year of free domain registration. Every plan is fantastic, and you can be sure your site will be up and operational 99.9% of the time, thanks to its reliable hosting.

You’ll also be glad to know that Zyro’s plans are scalable, so your site will be able to grow along with your business. As you grow, you’ll need more storage, so just scale up; no extra work on your end.

AI writer, AI business name generator, AI title generator, AI heatmap, AI logo maker, and AI slogan generator

Yes, you read that correctly! Zyro is rich with artificial intelligence assistance. You can get virtually any content generated by AI; it can generate the perfect name for your business, as well as make you the perfect logo, slogans, and titles.

Maybe the most’ out of this world’ feature is the ‘Heatmap’ that will track users’ behavior when scrolling on the site and report what they mostly clicked on and where their focus was. This feature will help you create a strategy, satisfy the clients and increase traffic or sales.

Zyro heatmap
This is the heatmap in action. It reported that the visitor had their eyes on the name of the product, its price, and the buy now button most of the time.


Zyro has a great number of templates you can pick from and customize. When you pick this option at the very beginning, you will have the option to search for the templates based on the niche of your website. You can search them by popularity or by category. There are dozens of categories, such as Fashion templates, Resume, eCommerce, Marketing, etc., and the category we are most interested in – Photography!

Once you find the perfect template, simply click on the ‘Start building’ button. The wizard leads to a customizer where the whole process begins. On the right side, there is a menu where you can add new elements like text, buttons, images, a gallery, etc. What is great about this editor is various page previews  – PC or mobile. This will ensure your site is responsive, no matter what.

When you are satisfied with the changes, you simply push the ‘Publish’ button, and our new page is live.

When you pick a specific template, it will come complete with various widgets and elements, but all of it is completely customizable. For example, if you don’t like where the social icon box is placed, simply delete it and place it elsewhere. You can do this with everything.

Adding content to the pages is also a piece of cake. Simply click on the ‘Add section’ button and pick the desired content – is it a blog, some images, a contact form, a map, or a video. When picked, the next step before adding it is choosing its appearance and its dimensions, e.g., When added to the page, the details should be edited right away.

Zyro gives you many possibilities for galleries that are the main component of every photography website. You can edit the layout of it, how many pictures you want to be shown in each row and how big the border between every photo should be, or what happens when a visitor clicks on a photo.

Templates we recommend: 

Millen template


Kofi template


Isla template


Quilla template


Betty template

Generating a website using Zyro AI

If you choose this solution, the wizard will ask if you are going to sell things online. Since we’re talking about a photography site, the answer is most likely yes. After that, the AI will ask you for some relevant keywords. Simply type in ‘Photography,’ and suggestions will come out. The next step will be the color theme picker. Here, you’ll choose the perfect color palette.

After picking the colors,  the AI will ask which features to include. The possibilities are ‘Online Store’, ‘Blog’, ‘Gallery’, ‘Slideshow’, ‘Contact Form’, ‘Subscription Form’, ‘Instagram Feed’, ‘Maps’, and ‘Videos’.

Somehow, all of these have strong connections with photography, so you can wisely decide what you consider necessary for your website. When that’s done, press ‘Continue,’ and the wizard will lead you to the add pages screen. Here, you can tell the wizard to include, for instance, ‘About,’ ‘Services,’ ‘Contact,’ ‘Gallery,’ ‘Portfolio,’ and ‘FAQ’ pages.

After all of this, the Zyro AI will begin the creation process. Once the generation is complete, Zyro will show you a couple of recommended designs you can pick and customize, or if you are not satisfied with any of those, you can start over.

Start from scratch

Zyro website builder

And finally, the third option Zyro website builder offers is to start from scratch. Choose this option if you want to start with a blank slate without using any wizards or AI.

When picking this option, you will be transferred to an empty dashboard with the ‘Add Section’ button. By clicking the button, you’ll start to design the website and add the desired elements and sections. There’s an option to add blank sections or choose the ‘Blog,’ ‘Online Store,’ or ‘Lite Store’ option.

Getting a domain

After reading the photography website itself, it’s time to focus on buying a domain. Since Zyro’s parental company is Hostinger, one of the most popular hosting services on the internet, this process is as painless as it can be.

Getting a domain is as simple as creating a website! All you have to do is type in the name of your desired domain, and the Hostinger wizard will list the available hosting names and their prices. Of course, domains like .com, .net, .store, .org, .eu, .biz, or .shop are considered the most popular, hence they are also more expensive.

Views and a multi-language features

You can edit the site on PC view, tablet, and mobile view, respectively. In addition, not every element from the desktop version must be visible on mobile, as well. You can edit or remove them to optimize the site better.

Another awesome feature Zyro has to offer is the multi-language option where you can pick a few languages your site can be viewed on, so the visitors can pick the most comfortable language for them and scroll the page like that.

Final words

Having a photography portfolio is a must if you want to stand out from both your competitors and clients. It has never been easier to create an online portfolio than now. Using the Zyro website builder, you can have one in a flash. We strongly recommend trying it because it’s so full of features and allows you to do as much or as little as you want.

If you pick Zyro, you definitely won’t go wrong.

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