Affiliate Marketing on Instagram: Ways to Make More Money

Affiliate marketing has become a popular way to make money online. When combined with the reach social media can provide, it can be a very effective marketing strategy. Instagram affiliate marketing is special, though. As one of the most popular social media platforms, Instagram is one of the best spaces to practice it. Both the brands and the marketers can profit from it nicely, which is why you should try it out and see for yourself.

Just like on other social media platforms, Instagram affiliate marketing can get you paid in multiple ways. That’s because sales can be measured in various ways. Here are the most popular three:

– Pay per sale

This is the most common way of getting paid. The company pays the affiliate marketer a certain percentage of the single product’s price. Naturally, that’s only after the marketer’s advertisement encouraged someone to buy the product.

– Pay per lead

This way, the affiliate gets the prospects to visit the company’s site and complete a certain action, such as signing up for a trial, subscribing to a newsletter, completing a survey or something similar.

– Pay per click

The last method is the so-called PPC, where the affiliate’s goal is to redirect customers to the company’s site. So, the affiliate gets paid depending on how much traffic they lead to the company’s website.

Get a Decent Following

Image of Insta stats

To get the most out of your Instagram affiliate marketing, you have to have a decent number of followers. Of course, building a nice number of Instagram followers takes time. This doesn’t mean you have to have a million of followers.

It’s way more valuable to have less followers that are more engaged. If you are skilled enough to genuinely intrigue your followers, and successfully encourage them to like your posts, click on links, and such, that’s worth more than having thousands of followers with a low rate of engagement.

Pick the Best Affiliate Partners

Naturally, you won’t get paid out of the blue. You have to find the people you want to work with first. You can check out various Instagram affiliate marketing programs, that can offer you different kinds of niches that fit you. Most of brands are willing to work with affiliate marketers. However, as some have more prestige than others, you might have to work hard to reach those.

Post Quality Content


It’s easy doing something you love doing. That’s why it’s easier to promote products you would actually use yourself. Check out if there are any Instagram affiliate marketing options for some of the companies and brands you trust, and products you bought. This way, you get an organic promotion your followers can appreciate. It gives you credibility, as opposed to you blatantly promoting products or services you have obviously never used before. This way, your targeted audience can just feel that something is off. So, choose what you want to promote wisely.

Get With the Trends

It’s no secret that the best way to grab attention is to ride a bandwagon of relevant trends. Especially on social media. So, be wary of the current trendy products and services you can do affiliate marketing for. You might also want to keep an eye on any new marketing strategies other successful affiliates use and make the best out of them.


Instagram affiliate marketing can be quite an effective source of online income if you can make it work right. If you follow these tips, you can also become a successful affiliate. Maybe it won’t be easy at first, but once you get the ball rolling, you can get paid decent money for your work.

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